Slow Stretches with Standing Poses
Free Your Joints! Bundle
Begin with centering, neck stretches, and shoulder mobilization exercises. Enjoy some seated poses with forward bending and twists, lunges with twists, and plenty of standing poses like warrior II, wide-legged forward bend, goddess pose, king dancer pose. Grab a few blankets for this practice.
Up Next in Free Your Joints! Bundle
Sitting Remedy
Begin seated for an inspirational reading on overcoming selfish will and finding humility. Enjoy a cornucopia of seated postures designed to alleviate tight hips and low back.
Energizing Practice with Twists
This well-rounded class invites you to twist and move in ways to energize and balance. Enjoy a guided relaxation at the end to integrate your practice.
Pelvis and Thoracic Spine Focus
Begin seated and move into a tabletop position for gentle warmups. Next, find some mildly challenging standing flows before ending with a final floor stretching sequence and a guided relaxation. Recorded 6/29/20.