Hatha II Full Class
This class was filmed at my aunt and uncles house in Morgantown, West Virginia. Enjoy the natural sounds of Appalachian birds in the background as you move through a thoughtfully sequenced level II asana practice. This practice offers plenty of time to move deeper into postures, explore variations, and challenge yourself with balance strength, and flexibility.
WEBSITE: www.francescamichellegold.com for private sessions
SOCIAL: francesca_michelle
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Yoga Nidrā 4 of 4
Welcome to week three of four in this Yoga Nidra series. You can jump in at any time, but know that these videos build upon one another and go deeper each week. This week focuses on getting the level of cognition and working with beliefs.
Yoga Nidrā can literally be translated as 'yogic sleep' ...
Yoga Nidrā 3 of 4
Welcome to week three of four in this Yoga Nidra series. You can jump in at any time, but know that these videos build upon one another and go deeper each week. This week focuses on getting the level of cognition and working with beliefs.
Yoga Nidrā can literally be translated as 'yogic sleep' ...
Yoga Nidrā 1 of 4
Join me for this four part series which builds upon itself each week.
Yoga Nidrā can literally be translated as 'yogic sleep' or 'the sleep of the yogi.' It is the gradual implementation of certain practice that lead to a deep resting state. Yoga Nidrā has been proven to aid in sleep disturbance...