Core Work Bundle

Core Work Bundle

Enjoy these videos that teach you from the ground up how to gently, safely, and effectively strengthen your core.

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Core Work Bundle
  • Grounding Core Work

    Complete with all of the benefits of a full class, this class also offers a dynamic approach to working your core in a safe and effective way.

  • Leg + Core Day

    This practice breaks down how to stretch your calves, hamstrings, and Achilles tendon safely in a comfortable position. Also includes is some core and glute work. Final relaxation to integrate it all!

  • Gentle Core + Calming Practice

    This class seems to be the perfect balance of grounding you while also strengthening and stretching important muscle groups to help keep you optimally strong and flexible.

  • A Precise Practice + Agni Sara

    This practice contains core work, trists, warrior II plus variations, tree balance pose, and a tutorial and explanation of a beginner agni sara practice which builds inner heat to support digestion. While the practice of agni sara is suitable for most, do no try this if you're menstruating, pregn...

  • Level II Practice

    Begin seated for a centering meditation and breath assessment. Move into sun salutations (6 minutes in), practice your standing balance with eagle pose, flow through side plank, and end with floor stretches and core work. Grab a block for this practice!