Free Your Joints! Bundle

Free Your Joints! Bundle

Enjoy gentle Range of Motion (ROM) work with this series. When we work on bringing full range of motion to a joint, we typically want to also focus on the areas above and below that joint. These classes feature ROM work as well as deep stretching. Gentle to moderate level classes.

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Free Your Joints! Bundle
  • Happy Spine

    Begin seated and get ready to learn some new ways of moving and relating to your body. Grab some props and prepare to move!

  • Slow Stretches with Standing Poses

    Begin with centering, neck stretches, and shoulder mobilization exercises. Enjoy some seated poses with forward bending and twists, lunges with twists, and plenty of standing poses like warrior II, wide-legged forward bend, goddess pose, king dancer pose. Grab a few blankets for this practice.

  • Sitting Remedy

    Begin seated for an inspirational reading on overcoming selfish will and finding humility. Enjoy a cornucopia of seated postures designed to alleviate tight hips and low back.

  • Energizing Practice with Twists

    This well-rounded class invites you to twist and move in ways to energize and balance. Enjoy a guided relaxation at the end to integrate your practice.

  • Pelvis and Thoracic Spine Focus

    Begin seated and move into a tabletop position for gentle warmups. Next, find some mildly challenging standing flows before ending with a final floor stretching sequence and a guided relaxation. Recorded 6/29/20.

  • Level I for Hips and Spine

    The Medicine Buddha says the 3 principle causes of suffering are ignorance, greed, and anger. Begin seated and enjoy this class meant to heighten awareness of your posture and stretch tight hips.

  • A Spacious Practice

    Begin supine for centering and grounding stretches designed to bring awareness to new spaces in your body. This lesson invites you to nestle into new nooks in your body while exploring new ways of moving and being in relationship with yourself.

  • Five Minute Hip Range of Motion

    This five minute video feature accessible standing movements that can be done near a wall or standing in the middle of the room. These exercises are suitable to try daily. Filmed in Pondicherry, India.